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Reman 6.2 DB2 (most models) pumps

Price: $895.00

Reman 6.2 DB2 (most models) pumps

Price: $895.00

ALL pumps built with top quality parts and workmanship. Requires core exchange. This is NOT included in the purchase price.

“Due to the age and limited availability of cores a serviceable core exchange unit is required, and must match unit purchased. This core must be returned within 30 days or a non refundable core charge of $450 will be applied. Prompt return of cores is critical in order to maintain stock levels for prompt service.” -JK

“Includes, but not limited to models # 4502, 4544, 4723, 4779, 4790, 4875, and 5056. We must know your pump model number to build you the correct part.” – JK

SKU: 27 Category:

Category: Uncategorized

SKU: #27