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Reman injectors for Dmax LB7 w/sac00 nozzles-set of 8 ea

Price: $2,376.00

Reman injectors for Dmax LB7 w/sac00 nozzles-set of 8 ea

Price: $2,376.00

Set of 8 reman injectors with Sac type nozzles at stock delivery rate. These injectors combined with lift pump, filtration and additive, are the solution to the blue smoke issues and short injector life that plagues so many LB7 trucks. Requires a core deposit of $150/injector refundable when cores are received. All cores need to be returned within 30 days unless other arrangements are made.

SKU: 777 Category:

Category: Duramax 6.6
Sub-Category: Injectors
Sub-Category: Injectors LB7

SKU: #777